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The Cast

Pooya Mohseni, Kelly Deadmon, Melissa Goz, and Jennifer Jiles

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The Raw Divas

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I'd like to introduce you to four RAW (real authentic women) beauties. Kelly Deadmon, Jennifer Jiles, Pooya Mohseni, and Melissa Goz. We are four amazing ladies who are being treated like we are 'aging out of our business', 'not relevant', or just 'not the right type' and we are taking the BULL by the horns to film a pilot. We've shot a Sizzle to pitch our project to producers so that we can make a TV show! This is our premise~ It's all about women like us who are talented, strong, opinionated, really real and funny working moms who are trying to navigate life in a business that is letting them know that they are no longer 'desirable' to which they say Bull%#*t!!! Our RAW beauties take care of their families and each other with a lot of love and a little tequila. Please support us as we get ready for Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu to fight over who gets to produce us. We are fiercely determined to make this fantastic project to become the next big hit on television. It's been a fantastic journey so far, come join us for the rest of the ride!

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